Introducing The MDT Data Ecosystem: Value Creation and Rewards on the Blockchain
Introducing the MDT Data Ecosystem: a more efficient data exchange model for users, data providers and data buyers.
Read MoreIntroducing the MDT Data Ecosystem: a more efficient data exchange model for users, data providers and data buyers.
Read MorePrivacy or Convenience – What Would You Pick? By Michelle Tang In this digital age where everything is just a click away, we have seemingly traded personal privacy for convenience. In our on-demand technological era where everything is more or less tracked, total privacy is somewhat impossible to achieve. We must now accept the fact […]
Read More各大外賣平台的Discount Code優惠一般都受適用期限及條件限制,未必每位讀者都可使用,但RewardMe提供予Deliveroo、FoodPanda等外賣程式的消費回贈卻不受次數限制,只需登記一次,以後每次消費即可自動獲得cashback!
RewardMe為本地科技公司新推出的現金回贈App,登記人只需下載程式,連結本人信用卡或電郵帳戶,即可於每次在指定購物平台上消費時獲得回贈。可選擇的購物平台多達100個,當中除了包括港人最常用的外賣App Deliveroo、UberEats、FoodPanda外,還有網購平台京東、HKTVmall、旅遊平台Agoda、Airbnb等。
透過參與活動及連結更多帳戶等,用戶可於RewardMe中升級,並獲取10間指定商戶高達10%消費回贈。有關回贈亦可自由選取獎賞錢R幣或虛擬貨幣ME Token,R幣更可用作換取現金券使用。
Read MoreThe first step to financial success is to take control of your own expenses, and there are plenty of ways for doing so. Collecting hard-copy receipts and noting down your spending on an account book might be a good idea a decade ago, but definitely not now when daily purchases have been digitized. While scrolling […]
Read More為振興本地經濟,香港政府推出5000元電子消費券計劃,鼓勵市民於本港商戶購物。所有合資格18歲以上香港永久居民及新來港人士,均可於7月4日起透過4大支付平台,AlipayHK支付寶、八達通、Tap & Go以及WeChat Pay Hong Kong微信支付,申請及獲發面值5,000元的電子消費券。政府亦承諾,只要在7月17日前完成電子登記程序,即可於8月1日收到消費券。
Read MoreRewardMe is an app that helps you save faster. Imagine earning money every time you order your lunch on Foodpanda or every time you hop onto an Uber.
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