| by RewardMe Support | 1 comment

How to sign up for RewardMe in minutes — Shop & earn rewards automatically!

RewardMe is an innovative reward app that automatically earns you rewards as you spend at your favorite merchants. Get it early and enjoy the effortless perks.

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| by Danson Cheng | No comments

Celebrating RewardMe’s 2nd Anniversary🚀: Earn Rewards While You Spend

Let’s celebrate RewardMe’s 2nd anniversary! Over the past two years, RewardMe has revolutionized cash back rewards, providing a seamless experience for users.

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【發票存摺活動】RewardMe 抽獎結果公佈 (NT$500 7-ELEVEN 數位商品禮券)

RewardMe 早前聯乘發票存摺的活動已完滿結束,感謝台灣用戶的喜愛和支持!只需要用RewardMe 全新購物回饋 APP,綁定電子信箱後即可自動賺現金回饋,包辦生活大小事,網購、訂房、叫外送都在賺,買越多賺越多!

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| by Danson Cheng | No comments

《死屍死時四十四》x RewardMe 多重賞 🎁 臨海峯住戶證隆重登場 🌟

香港黑色喜劇電影《死屍死時四十四》即將上映,RewardMe 聯手推出 4,444 張官方認證限量版「臨海峯住戶證」,以劇本角色為藍本創作一系列住戶證,睇戲都可以做業主!於 App 內上載《死屍死時四十四》戲票,即可換領限量版「臨海峯住戶證」!數量有限,先到先得,換完即止!

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| by Danson Cheng | No comments

#GoodBUY2022 🛍️ Get Up to 20% Cashback this Holiday Season with RewardMe 🎁

Missed our Black Friday offer? A new year-end double cashback event #GoodBUY2022 is coming to town! Get up to 20% cash back for holiday shopping, party food delivery, travel deals, and more!

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| by Danson Cheng | No comments

🛍️ Get 2X Cash Back with RewardMe 🎁 Black Friday Limited Offer

Looking to take advantage of the best Black Friday deals in 2022? Get 2X cashback rewards from RewardMe! During 25th – 28th November, cashback rates will be doubled up. Double rewards, double fun!

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移民禮物推介|識送一定送 E-Gift Card!實用電子禮品卡推薦 (英國篇🇬🇧)

Farewell 移民親友送咩好?揀禮物難,揀移民禮物更難。除了要考慮實用性、紀念價值,還要顧及禮物是否方便攜帶出境。為了減輕移民朋友的行李負擔和荷包負擔,不少人選擇送當地品牌的 E-Gift Card 作為餞別禮物。RewardMe 小編今次為大家挑選了英國的實用電子禮品卡,相信能帶給你一些靈感去準備餞別禮物。

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【外賣APP優惠整合】Deliveroo、foodpanda 優惠碼|指定信用卡折扣|消費券狂賞 (8月更新)

Deliveroo、foodpanda 外賣平台優惠碼合集!最新外賣自取、信用卡優惠、promo code,享用佳餚同時又可賺盡每一分,用外賣 App 搵食餐餐都有現金回贈!特別一提,生活百貨都有折!

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點叫麥當勞外賣最快最抵?Deliveroo/ Foodpanda/ 麥麥送 🍔

今次 RewardMe 為大家實測以 3 大外賣平台叫麥當勞外賣,分別以 Deliveroo、Foodpanda 和麥麥送訂購同一個巨無霸餐,究竟哪個 App 價錢最低、速度最快?

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| by Esther Kwong | No comments

Tight-fisted on a Big Mac in HK: Deliveroo VS Foodpanda VS McDelivery 🍔

Whether you are a big fan of McDonald’s or not, sometimes you just want to enjoy fast food guilty pleasure by getting a Big Mac delivered to your home. Which online food delivery app should you use to order your burger meal – Deliveroo, Foodpanda, or McDelivery?

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Vote & Earn Your Favorite Gift Card 🎁 RewardMe This! $MDT Giveaway

Hello Community! We are more than excited to announce the latest MDT community vote and giveaway event, RewardMe This!

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