| by Danson Cheng | No comments

Celebrating RewardMe’s 2nd Anniversary🚀: Earn Rewards While You Spend

Let’s celebrate RewardMe’s 2nd anniversary! Over the past two years, RewardMe has revolutionized cash back rewards, providing a seamless experience for users.

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| by Danson Cheng | No comments

#GoodBUY2022 🛍️ Get Up to 20% Cashback this Holiday Season with RewardMe 🎁

Missed our Black Friday offer? A new year-end double cashback event #GoodBUY2022 is coming to town! Get up to 20% cash back for holiday shopping, party food delivery, travel deals, and more!

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| by Danson Cheng | No comments

🛍️ Get 2X Cash Back with RewardMe 🎁 Black Friday Limited Offer

Looking to take advantage of the best Black Friday deals in 2022? Get 2X cashback rewards from RewardMe! During 25th – 28th November, cashback rates will be doubled up. Double rewards, double fun!

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| by RewardMe | No comments

移民禮物推介|識送一定送 E-Gift Card!實用電子禮品卡推薦 (英國篇🇬🇧)

Farewell 移民親友送咩好?揀禮物難,揀移民禮物更難。除了要考慮實用性、紀念價值,還要顧及禮物是否方便攜帶出境。為了減輕移民朋友的行李負擔和荷包負擔,不少人選擇送當地品牌的 E-Gift Card 作為餞別禮物。RewardMe 小編今次為大家挑選了英國的實用電子禮品卡,相信能帶給你一些靈感去準備餞別禮物。

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| by RewardMe | No comments

5 Price Comparison Tools That Will Save You Money

No matter whether you are shopping online or in-store, the following 5 tools RewardMe has selected can help you to find the best deals with the slightest effort.

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| by Esther Kwong | No comments

 【居家髮寶】8款暢銷美髮剪刀、理髮工具套裝 | 在家剪髮神器 | Amazon、HKTVMall 有售

疫情下,很多事情都要自力更生——剪頭髮也不例外。除了預約髮型師上門,在家恤髮都是一個無選擇中的選擇。RewardMe 今次為大家整合各款「剪髮神器」,輕鬆安坐家中 DIY 理髮。

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| by Cara Lui | No comments

5 Apps Amazon Wishes You’ll Never Find Out – That Save You Huge Money On Daily Deals

The number one money-saving hack for shopping on Amazon would be registering for a cashback programme. Among numerous cashback schemes, RewardMe is one of the easiest to use. Simply download the RewardMe app on your mobile phone, register with your credit card or email account, then sit back, shop as usual and wait for your rewards to be transferred to your account automatically. All the receipt-tracking kind of troublesome work will be left to us so that users can enjoy a seamless shopping experience, while earning up to 10% cash rewards.

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