| by Danson Cheng | No comments

Celebrating RewardMe’s 2nd Anniversary🚀: Earn Rewards While You Spend

Let’s celebrate RewardMe’s 2nd anniversary! Over the past two years, RewardMe has revolutionized cash back rewards, providing a seamless experience for users.

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移民禮物推介|識送一定送 E-Gift Card!實用電子禮品卡推薦 (英國篇🇬🇧)

Farewell 移民親友送咩好?揀禮物難,揀移民禮物更難。除了要考慮實用性、紀念價值,還要顧及禮物是否方便攜帶出境。為了減輕移民朋友的行李負擔和荷包負擔,不少人選擇送當地品牌的 E-Gift Card 作為餞別禮物。RewardMe 小編今次為大家挑選了英國的實用電子禮品卡,相信能帶給你一些靈感去準備餞別禮物。

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【外賣APP優惠整合】Deliveroo、foodpanda 優惠碼|指定信用卡折扣|消費券狂賞 (8月更新)

Deliveroo、foodpanda 外賣平台優惠碼合集!最新外賣自取、信用卡優惠、promo code,享用佳餚同時又可賺盡每一分,用外賣 App 搵食餐餐都有現金回贈!特別一提,生活百貨都有折!

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| by RewardMe | No comments

點叫麥當勞外賣最快最抵?Deliveroo/ Foodpanda/ 麥麥送 🍔

今次 RewardMe 為大家實測以 3 大外賣平台叫麥當勞外賣,分別以 Deliveroo、Foodpanda 和麥麥送訂購同一個巨無霸餐,究竟哪個 App 價錢最低、速度最快?

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網購點只信用卡優惠!消費回贈 App「RewardMe」憑電郵收據自動賞你高達 10% 回贈 | 3分鐘註冊教學

全新消費回贈應用程式 RewardMe,毋需成本即可於網購獲回贈,更可兼享其他信用卡優惠或獎賞計劃。RewardMe 合作商戶超過 100 間,包括 HKTVmall、Deliveroo、foodpanda、Uber 等,讓你如常叫外賣、網購之餘賺盡回贈!想點回贈?儲分換電子禮券又得,換 crypto 都得!

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| by Esther Kwong | No comments

【Work From Hotel】在家工作易分心?7 間 Workcation 酒店推介 |日間住宿優惠

假期去完 Staycation,星期一又要重返沉悶的 WFH?疫情使人心累,困在家中工作總令人提不起勁!RewardMe 為大家推介 7 個 work from hotel 日租酒店選擇,讓你將辦公室移師至酒店,享受寧靜舒適的工作環境。

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| by Esther Kwong | No comments

 【居家髮寶】8款暢銷美髮剪刀、理髮工具套裝 | 在家剪髮神器 | Amazon、HKTVMall 有售

疫情下,很多事情都要自力更生——剪頭髮也不例外。除了預約髮型師上門,在家恤髮都是一個無選擇中的選擇。RewardMe 今次為大家整合各款「剪髮神器」,輕鬆安坐家中 DIY 理髮。

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【在家渡過情人節】高質抵食外賣、自煮、Netflix煲劇推介 |居家約會提案

屋企慶祝情人節都可以好有儀式感!不用外出,叫份高質外賣又得,做 home chef 又得,煲劇都得。RewardMe 為大家整合如何部署在家渡過情人節,大家缺乏靈感時不妨參考一下。

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| by Charlie Sheng | No comments

Why do Reward Apps Pay You and What They Don’t Want You To Know

Everyone loves a great deal.

Remember the days when your parents used to clip coupons? Well, technology has now advanced so much that the coupons have now become gamified cashback and reward apps designed to make saving money fun. 

Despite the various emerging cashback innovations, the motivations behind those apps usually fall in two…

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| by Cara Lui | No comments

5 Money Saving Tips For Your Grab Rides + Hands-On Tutorials

Being the largest Southeast Asian unicorn ever, heading towards IPO, Grab conquered the markets of Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand like a strike of lightning. As consumers, of course we are happy to see how the company has grown and the service has improved, but there is one thing that we care the most about–how to enjoy Grab with the least budget. RewardMe has analysed 6 money saving hacks for your Grab rides, followed by detailed tutorials on how to use them. Make sure you read this before you Grab!

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