| by Esther Kwong | No comments

6 Best Crypto Cashback & Reward Apps

Cashback, but in cryptocurrency. Whether you are already a crypto-enthusiast or not, you could take full advantage of the following 6 reward apps and sites to earn crypto cashback.

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| by Esther Kwong | No comments

【科技熱話】Web 3.0 是甚麼?圈外人也看得懂的「無大台」網絡去中心化概念

元宇宙、NFT 熱潮蔓延,科技界 KOL 都在熱烈討論 Web 3.0!Web3 不只是幣圈的事,而是關乎整個網絡生態。RewardMe 為大家簡單介紹一下 Web 3.0,讓大家用一杯咖啡的時間閱讀。

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| by Charlie Sheng | No comments

How to Earn Rewards by Doing Surveys?

It pays to share your opinion.  Pioneering cashback app RewardMe is excited to announce that its new survey reward feature has launched. It helps you to earn rewards by completing surveys! It currently has three survey providers available in the App: InBrainm, Tap Research and CPX Research. Each survey will enable our users to earn […]

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| by Cara Lui | No comments

What is the Hype Surrounding NFTs?

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token, built with the same blockchain technique that nurtured the birth of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, NFT isn’t just another coin. In fact, it differs from most of the cryptocurrencies existing in the market, as it is non-fungible. In other words, unlike BTCs in which any one of them is interchangeable with others, every NFT is unique and of a different value.

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